Thank you for choosing the Blinn College District! We look forward to helping you meet your educational goals. Blinn has an open admissions policy, and all students are welcome. If you have never enrolled in a course at Blinn, apply now using the online ApplyTexas application. Once you have completed your admissions file, you are eligible to register for credit classes at all Blinn College District locations and online.
Blinn now offers a convenient financial aid queue! To request a call back from an advisor, please join our Buccaneer Financial Aid Queue. To meet with an advisor in person, please visit one of our campuses at the addresses below.
Learn More and Get Started
Obtain Financial Aid
Learn about the financial aid process from the application to eligibility and priority dates.
Contact Us

Brenham Campus Location
Administration Bldg.,
Room 122
Bryan Campus Location
Administration Building
2608 E. Villa Maria Rd.
Bryan, TX 77802
RELLIS Location
Blinn RELLIS Administration Building (BLRA)
First Floor, Enrollment Services
1366 Bryan Rd.
Bryan, TX 77807
Mailing Address
Financial Aid
Blinn College
902 College Ave
Brenham, TX 77833
Buccaneer Financial Aid Queue